Premier IT Services

Premier IT Services

Professional, 24×7 Managed IT Services & Support
Security Services

Security Services

Network, Server, and Workstation Security Services
Cloud Services

Cloud Services

Office 365, Google G-Suite, Data Backup/Disaster Recovery Cloud Services
EMR/EHR Solutions

EMR/EHR Solutions

Medical Practice & Patient Management Solutions, including HIPAA Security, MIPS, Meaningful Use

Managed IT Services

Managed Desktop/Server, Network, and Security Services

Green IT

Document Management Systems and Paperless Solutions


Security Services

Managed IT Security services for internal networks and external sources

Cloud Services

Cloud-based Email, SharePoint, Servers, and Services

Data Backup Services

On-Site and Cloud-based data backup services & disaster recovery services

EHR/EMR Services

Cloud-Based Medical Practice Management Solutions, HIPAA Security, and Meaningful Use Consulting


During this COVID-19 outbreak and California Shelter-in-Place, we are all experiencing hardships and adjustments in our daily routine and work life.

Here at S3CC IT Consulting, we will continue to work with your organization and staff 24×7 to ensure a smooth transition for employees that will work at home.  Efficiency and security is our top priority so business can continue as normal.

If your company is experiencing technical challenges or hardships due to COVID-19 and the shelter in place, please contact us.  We have solutions so that your workforce will stay connected to the office and other team members to minimize the impact on your business.

Together, we’ll face these challenging times together and in the end, we’ll all prevail.

Stay safe and healthy.

Thank you,

S3CC IT Consulting

Contact us for your technology questions and services

11 + 7 =


S3CC offers a complete Managed IT Services solution catering to the small-medium sized business.  With soaring costs to manage a small business, having a full-time staff of IT experts in-house can be costly.  Outsourcing is the logical choice to reduce costs and have experts on hand.

Our company, in effect, becomes your IT department.  Among the broad scope of technology services we provide, whether it is support, repairs, replacements, installs, or maintenance – we have it covered.


The mission of S3CC IT Consulting is to always provide the most ethical, secure, honest service to your organization at prices that meet the company’s IT budget.  Serving customers since 2004, S3CC survives on top-notch performance incorporating and applying new technologies that emerge almost daily.  Being industry certified; we pride ourselves on continued education and being on top of the latest developments that will help your organization keep the pace in technology updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

We often get questions in many forms.  Simple Q &A to some tough questions that require research to provide a solid answer.  We also get many questions that are the same.  We provide a simple FAQ for your review.

What kind of clients do you work with?
We work with any type of business, whether you are a one-employee small shop with very little technology, to a company with 200+ employees and sophisticated technology already in place.  We work in business-to-business (B2B), business-to-education (B2E), and business-to-government (B2G).
What is this whole IT Services program about?
The entire IT Services program is just that – IT Services. S3CC IT Consulting, in effect, becomes your outsourced IT department. You get unlimited 24x7x365 support and we handle all your technology needs – small, large, or anything in-between.
Do you sell computers, networking equipment, or software?
YES. S3CC is an authorized reseller for Microsoft (including education), Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, and many other well-known vendors. We are active members in two of the largest technology distributors in the U.S. Contact us for all your technology needs and we’ll help you find the right solutions for the right budget and need. We research various products to find you the best of the best in your budget. We also specialize in servers, networking equipment (wired and wireless), security, hardware & software, software licensing, and much more.
Microsoft Authorized Education Partner
Microsoft Partner
Dell Partner
Intronis Barracuda Services

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P.O. Box 3395 Danville, CA 94526

925 989 6523